先日、友人が立ち上げたNPO、Déchaîne ton Cœur(意訳:君の心を開く)の総会に行ってきました。
この団体は、マダガスカルのストリートチルドレンに安全な場所で食べ物を与え、そして教育を受けることができるよう(きちんと学校に行かれるよう、ノートや洋服などを供給したり、勉強を助けてあげる)助ける団体です。また、スポーツなどの課外活動を通じて学校をより楽しくさせてあげるのも目的のひとつのようです。まだサイトは立ち上がっていないようですが一応URLは http://www.dechainetoncoeur.fr/
この団体の会員になるための会費は年間30ユーロ(約4500円)。このうち20ユーロは、マダガスカルにあるNGO、Graines de bitume (意訳:アスファルトの子供)が直接使うそうです。この20ユーロ、マダガスカルの子供一人に一年間食べ物を与え教育を受けるために必要な金額なんだそうです。
November 30, 2006
November 1, 2006
About Blanca
I consider myself a global nomad, having lived for more than four years each in Canada, Japan, Australia, US, and France. I have been living in Jakarta, Indonesia, for nearly three years.
Whenever the question "where are you from?" is posed, I often challenge people. I say, you need to be more precise, do you want to know where I was born, which countries I grew up in, which countries and cultures do I identify most with, what my nationalities are, or which country my ancestors have lived in?
It was my father's various postings that caused my nomadism from early on. Since the age of 19, though, it has been my own choice to lead such a life.
I work in the field of environment, and surprisingly rare in this profession, I am a "green" person in my private life as well. Conserving the environment, reducing my ecological footprint, and living sustainably are things I am passionate about.
I also consider myself a feminist, because I strongly believe that an equitable world without sexism is a world that is better for everyone--for both men and women.