January 26, 2010

blowing up mountains

(photo taken from Orionmagazine.org, no copyright info available)

I laughed for a full minute when I read this header the other day: Science confirms that blowing up mountains harms mountains. Yes, the reason why Grist.org is one of my favourite environmental news sources is because of its sense of humour.

The content, though, is no joke.

According to the blog, scientists have proved that "irreversible environmental impacts" and increased health risks for local residents occur as a result of mountaintop mining. In an article in journal Science, scientists are calling for a stop in issuing of new mountaintop mining permits.

I first learned about mountain-top removal mining in Orion, a magazine I subscribe to. According to the article Moving Mountains, tops of mountains are being blasted away in order to extract coal. Non-coal material that's extracted/blown away, such as forest and soil (including whole ecosystems that inhabit tops of mountains!) are simply dumped into the valleys, burying streams and polluting water sources. This practice also increases the occurance of flooding and mudslides, leaving residents of nearby vulnerable to such "natural" disasters.

Incidentally, I had the opportunity to attend a symposium where one of the co-authors of the article in the journal Science mentioned in the Grist.org blog gave a keynote speech. She was heavily pregnant at the time, and I remember being very pleasantly surprised to see her in the fieldtrip (hiking in a national park in Queensland, Australia) the following day. A true inspiration for me--being pregnant (and having children) does not necessarily need to hinder our professional and personal activities, as well as aspirations! I gave birth to my own daughter June a little over a year after I met this environmental scientist.

As the terrible news of the horrible catastrophe in Haiti floods the media, one cannot help but think, why has the aftermath of the terrible earthquake that hit Haiti on 12 January been as devastating as it has been? Why were there so many deaths--as a result of huge numbers of buildings collapsing, inability of the government to deal with the disaster, already poor people desperate for things to eat?

As was the case after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, it is now, more than ever, necessary to emphasize the social, cultural, and policy-based components that determine the extent of disasters when they strike; natural disasters do not just happen; "socio-natual disaster" are made.

January 17, 2010

Bébés nageurs

June が7ヶ月になったころから、近くのプールで Bébés nageurs へ通っています。直訳すると「赤ちゃんスイマー」ですが、基本的には、水に慣れさせるための水遊び。お風呂もあまり好きでない June ですが、最近ようやく慣れてきて、水の中で大泣きする回数は減りました。


パリでこの Bébés nageurs クラスをいくつかの団体が開催しているようですが、我々が通っているのは、Archimède のです。2人のインストラクター(もう一人、ヘルパーがいます)に対し、4-8グループ(赤ちゃん+親、両親の場合がほとんど)がいます。プールは30度前後の温められています。

私は大学卒業するまで競泳をしていいました。June に水泳選手になって欲しいわけではないけれど、水を怖がる子どもにはなって欲しくないと思い、始めました。日曜の朝早く、毎週頑張っています。

January 11, 2010

ode to my breastpump

You came to my house over a year ago, when I was getting ready to go back to work. You were disguised an a sleek black backpack. Not only did you accompany me on the daily commute on the Paris metro, you even came with me to Turkey and to the US. Yes, two international flights under your belt!

Everyday, you would do your work, 15-20 minutes at a time, sometimes up to three times a day. You worked superbly and efficiently, in my office, at home, and in public toilet stalls. You extracted out of me more than enough for what June needed.

Yes it's true that June did not learn to take the bottle, and much of the milk that you pumped out of my breasts was not consumed by her. However, your played an important role in keeping up my milk supply--and I am eternally grateful to you for that.

I no longer need you, as June is eating enough solids during the day, and now that she is over one year old, she is able to drink cow's milk during the day. The last pumping session was over two months ago, and the last of the frozen milk has now been drunk by June.

Thanks, breastpump. You helped maintain my milk supply , you saved my breasts from engorgement, and you allowed June to take small amounts of milk when I was unable to be with her. I can say with pride that except for the first week of her life in the hospital, June did not have to drink a drop of formula. I have been able to raise her on my breastmilk alone.

Rest your motor in peace.

January 8, 2010

ステンドグラス 初めての作品








January 4, 2010

あけましておめでとうございます / Happy New Year / Bonne Année 2010


This beautiful photo of a double rainbow was taken in Kushiro Wetlands, Hokkaido.
May the year 2010 be filled with happiness, wonder & new discoveries for everyone.