January 5, 2011

Missing Daddy

I spent most of the day feeling guilty yesterday. I made my daughter cry, over a trivial thing. The lesson I have learned is: never rush a strong-willed girl, even on a morning when there are a million things to do and there are only 10 minutes left before rushing out the door!

My partner has left on a trip for nearly two weeks, thus leaving me, June, and the dog to take care of ourselves. So it's me that has to get everything ready in the morning, and drop June to preschool before going to the office. Yesterday, June took her time eating breakfast, thus little time was left for me to get other things done. I needed to go upstairs to get something I'd forgotten, so I thought I'd just carry June with me and get it quickly before coming back downstairs again to get everything ready for departure. But alas, nothing is that simple these days with a two-year old!

First, she refused to move from the sofa, as she wanted to listen to her favourite nursery rhymes ("music on!"). When I managed to coax her into going upstairs, June insisted that she walk up the stairs (clock is tick-tick-ticking!). And then she wanted to look carefully at all the photos displayed in the stairwell (tick-tick-tick). And ask me questions about the photos (tick-tick!). And then, more questions (tick-tick-tick!). At which point, I just picked her up to rush up the stairs. Next moment, a huge howl from June: "Daaaaddyyyyyyy!!!'. Tears fall down her cheeks.

Of course Daddy is more patient. He probably would have allowed June to ask all the questions she has about the photos, even though she has already asked the same ones a million times. He would also wake up earlier so that he does not have to rush. But then, he does not have to put on make-up and get ready for the office at the same time getting June ready for preschool!

I am sorry, June, for being an impatient mother. But I am doing my best. I know you miss Daddy, but so do I.

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