May 5, 2008

Your heartbeat

I heard your heartbeat today
I saw you on the screen, all 65mm of you

Although I'd felt your existence for nearly 11 weeks
through the pulls, twinges, and aches in my tummy
Hearing your heartbeat has made you more real
Seeing your movements bought tears to my eyes

I hope you will grow within me safe and sound
until you decide to come out after 27 more weeks or so

Until you do, I will do my best to ensure that you will continue to have the best environment within me, because I know that

If the world's environment is contaminated, so too is the ecosystem of a mother's body. If a mother's body is contaminated, so too is the child who inhabits it.

I hereby delcare my support for Mothers of Organic™'s organic manifesto and whole-heartedly concur with We the Mothers because I:

  • belive that organic farming upholds basic human rights to safe food and security of person;
  • know that the very young require special protection from toxic contamination;
  • am willing to take precautionary action to keep us both safe;
  • am alarmed that agriculture has become the number one polluter of fresh water; and
  • refuse to be fooled by supermarket price tags.
And until you do come out, I will continue my work and do the best I can to make the world, our environment, a better place for you and me.

* the above italicized quotes are from the Mothers of Organic website.

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